Sunday 7 May 2017

Week 12

It has been a busy week, with things restarting and new classes in operation. Challenging and meeting the students expectations.

Getting students to think about their personal goals and how they are working towards them has been an interesting experience. One of the great conversations was with Natasha in the office about getting students in the hub to help others. Having the students write their goal on a piece of paper and have all the others in hub to give advice and guidance on how they could meet this goal. Students are now writing an attack plan on how they can work towards that goal over the next couple of weeks, 21 day challenge.

While some goals are around developing confidence, they themselves can offer assistance to others in hub. By developing confidence themselves.

Mountain biking today was great. The series is a great way for students to overcome their mindsets. A number of the students who did not do well last year in the first race, managed to do better this year and in some cases overcome a mindset at the start of the day which was I can't do this, through to one of I managed to do this, and do it well.
Conversations over timing and next phases of technology have increased the use of the rfid project. What costs $3000-$4000 a number of years ago, could now be done with a budget of $500.

Mountain biking on Wednesday saw myself having a better time than a number of weeks ago. Seeing the improvement of students and them working towards their own challenges and seeing the habits in action. Something that our year 9 students have seen, but not really engaged with so far.


Not giving up when times are tough.
Being inquisitive and playful. Exploring in search of awe and wonder.
Being imaginative and exploring the what if. Viewing things in new ways. 
Looking back to look forward. 
Taking risks and looking for opportunities which may not yet exist. Giving everything a go.
Doing things with intent and determination. 
Making a difference by using my skills, thoughts, and ideas when working with others.
Working with and learning from others.
Being empathetic, aware, and flexible when making decisions and taking action.
Using initiative to seek out resources and using them in different ways.

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